Anatomy of the Chakras: The Heart Chakra and Self-Worth

Anatomy of the Chakras: The Heart Chakra and Self-Worth

The Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Healing Johannesburg


For the past couple of weeks, I have picked up on a blockage with a few of my clients, centred in their heart chakras. This in many ways is as a result of low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. At the moment, we are seeing far too many people who do not believe in themselves and their ability to tap into their unique talents.

The aim of this post is to help those experiencing this notion to help themselves overcome this rut. One of the best places to start is by become aware yourself when you’re thinking about negative thoughts and impressions of yourself. With this awareness you are able to consciously begin letting them go, and actively replace your perception of yourself with a positive image or outcome. The idea is to create a shift to envision the great and very real potential of who and what you TRULY are, as opposed to just a negative thought, because your thoughts can really in many ways define our reality of ourselves. 

Meditation is also a great way to refocus. There are a million meditation techniques and sometimes the idea of meditating can be overwhelming. The most basic form of meditation does the trick for me! I like to just be still and focus on my breathing while listening to the world around me. This way I am being present and focusing on what’s happening around me right now. I am not worrying about the past or the future. I am enough in this moment. Not needing anything other than the air that I’m breathing. You can do this for only 5 minutes a day to start and then build it up over the weeks to come.

Reiki is also a great way to help ease the tension and worry of day to day concerns and also to “open” the Heart Chakra. 

Practice really does make perfect. So practice calling out and replacing your thoughts with positive perceptions of yourself and take the time to give yourself that 5 minutes a day to begin the process stepping into who you truly are.

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